The LivAI project aligns with some of the needs discussed at the AI Safety Summit related to education
29 governments meet in the AI Safety Summit to [...]
29 governments meet in the AI Safety Summit to [...]
The full content of the LivAI project website is now [...]
EFCoCert (European Foundation for Competence Certification) developed a unique [...]
Started early 2022, the Erasmus+ funded D-Tasting project is [...]
The PPI GO project consortium met in Lousada (Portugal) [...]
Up to 40 international experts participated to the first [...]
ISO 17024 is the standard setting the principles and [...]
How do we make sense of the huge amount [...]
In the framework of the kick-off meeting of the [...]
On 23rd and 24th January, the Universitat Jaume I [...]