Even though our societies are experiencing a BigData revolution, there is a lack of competencies in DataLiteracy, especially in DataCommunicationskills.

As the experience of the covid-19 pandemic made clear, datacommunication skills are fundamental to making Big Data more accessible and understandable, increasing the civic, social and economic impact of the European Big Data revolution.

In this way, infographic BigDataStorytelling can play a crucial role in making big data communication easier and more attractive.

Indeed using infographics for data communication and adding a storytelling dimension to it can make big data:

  • memorable (people remember only 20% of what they read, 10% of what they hear but 80% of what they see and do),
  • faster (the human brain processes visuals much faster than text),
  • informative (storytelling is also an informative model able to knowledge transfer) and
  • engaging (inspiring data stories).

As recognised expert in competence certification, EFCoCert Foundation is very glad to start new international collaborations for determining and certifying the necessary competences for BigDataStorytelling, BigDataVisualization, BigDataforSocialChange and DataLiteracy.

Crucial digital assets and skills for increasing European economic growth, competitiveness, innovation, job creation and societal progress in general.

Have you got any project idea aiming to develop specific future oriented competences? Contact didier.blanc[a]efcocert.eu for a call on how to add the crucial certification dimension to the project.

Dr Didier BLANC, EFCoCert President