Qualifying for the ultimate engaging smart training
COVID19 imposed emergent remote teaching and learning at a global scale. This mass and unprecedented use of technology for learning led teachers,
trainers, learners and families facing a steep learning curve, thus exposing the weaknesses in need of improvement in order to successfully integrate
digital technologies into education and training Systems. QUEST partners identified the need for the new European Instructional Design’ Professional
Profile. Instructional designers are the ‘architects’ of the learning experience and the ‘directors’ of the Instructional Systems Design ISD process
(Instructional Design Central).
Project Objectives :
A) Contribute to the harmonization, at European level, of the skills of the Instructional Designer profession;
B) Facilitate the mobility of Instructional Designers at European level;
C) Increase the capacity to develop attractive eLearning at European level; and
D) Recognise and certify qualify professionals with acquired knowledge and skills in Instructional Design.
Six partners from 5 countries are part of the project’s consortium, under the coordination of ISQe in Portugal:
- The ISQ e-learning , SA, Lisboa, Portugal (coordinator)
- EDEN Digital Learning Europe Tallin, Estonia
- Universidade Europeia – ENSILIS Lisboa, Portugal
- TURUN YLIOPISTO Turku, Finland
- EFCoCert Foundation Renens (Lausanne), Switzerland
EFCoCert is proud to be part of this new exciting innovative project, addressing crucial needs within the modern educational framework.
EFCoCert is in charge of developing the certification system of the acquired and demonstrated digital educational skills.

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