One of the challenges that the European winecompanies had to face during the pandemic was related to the question: how to keep in contact with clients if physical wine tasting is not allowed because of covid-19 restrictions?

It is starting from this concrete need of many Italian wine companies that, as i-strategies innovation, we developed in collaboration with project partners, the concept of the D-Tasting Project. The project is funded by the EuropeanUnion Erasmusplus Programme.

The aim of the project is to train the new skills, mostly digitalskills, needed to organize and manage a distance wine tasting using videoconferences: from the selection of wine bottles to the wine shipping; from the management of a video call to the digital winestorytelling and more.

The result of the project will be a microlearningcourse as an open educational learning resource available for schools, VET and universities interested in introducing new certified digitalwineskills in their curricula.

The lead partner of the project is Biotehniški izobraževalni center Ljubljana, the official partners are EFCoCert Foundation, Blended Training Services, Intercollege, Mediterráneo Culinary Center, Amico del Vino and i-strategies innovation. The associate partner is Ciù Ciù Tenimenti Bartolomei.

Have you got any project idea aiming to develop specific future oriented competences?

Contact for a call on how to add the crucial certification dimension to the project.

Dr Didier BLANC, EFCoCert President