Since 2014 EFCoCert (European Foundation for Competence Certification) is committed to support implementation of EU Education policies & lifelong learning objectives and horizon, in which:

  • Job profiles appear, evolve, vanish so quickly that formal training system / offer cannot follow
  • Lifelong learning is essential to adapt to a constantly changing labour world
  • Soft skills and side abilities become more important than diploma and CV for a good match
  • Non-formal & informal learning are key EU priorities, calling for recognition / validation
  • Knowing doesn’t mean ability to do, apply, perform, achieve – competence does
  • Competence is now understood as “ability to apply knowledge and skills to achieve intended results”
  • Achieving intended results by doing, irrelevant how you learned, is the only relevant finality
  • Beyond “I know”, the learning ultimate finality is “I am able to do” – i.e. “I am competent”
  • Educators attest knowledge – beneficiaries and related “ecosystem” recognise competence
  • Add essential value and relevance to Erasmus+ projects by completing, measuring and demonstrating the projects’ outcome through ISO 17024 compliant
  • competence certification schemes.
  • Establish and involve innovative informal open badge recognition ecosystems for competence certification in order to:
    1. universalise the accessibility and minimise costs of competence certification,
    2. maximise chances of projects’ outcomes sustainability, perennity and further exploitation.
  • Bring simple, innovative and effective tools to assess and demonstrate the outcome of non-formal & informal learning.
  • Advocate and instrumentalise the meta-dimension of competence vs knowledge approach.
  • Encourage and structure the establishment of practices communities around the certified job profiles.

EU Projects


Are you preparing a project idea for the next Erasmus+ call?

Do not miss the competence certification dimension and integrate EFCoCert in your future winning team!

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EU Projects
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